Easy driver arduino library

Redis for Arduino An Arduino library for Redis. Ringo by CircuitMess Library Ringo is an educational DIY mobile phone designed to bring electronics and programming to the crowd in a fun and interesting way. ServoEasing Enables smooth servo movement. Linear as well as other Cubic, Circular, Bounce, etc.

Output to a touch display and also as webservice Switch Arduino library for deglitching and debouncing switches and buttons. Generates speech from a fixed vocabulary encoded with LPC. WEDO 2. Search for:. Azure IoT library for Arduino. Azure C shared utility library for Arduino. If this does not work for you, see the section below on finding your motors coil pairs.

For the arduino code for the driver, im going to be using AccelStepper Library. This is an amazing library that I use for all my stepper needs now. It is even does acceleration and deceleration, supports multiple drivers at once, and most importantly it is non blocking. Meaning, you can be moving your motor as you are reading from a sensor, or turning on lights etc.

The library even keeps track of the position of the motor. So if you tell it to go to 10, — It knows it is at 9,00 already, so it moves an additional steps. Then you can tell it to go home, and it will go back 10, steps to 0. I highly recommend you download the full library from the author. The version I have here is barebones with none of the examples.

This driver only needs 4 wires from your stepper. If you have a 4 wire stepper, awesome! If you have a 6 wire stepper, it will be slightly trickier. But no matter what, we need to find the 2 main coils inside of the motor. And if you get it wrong, the motor will just twitch or not move, but you wont break it. Using an ohmMeter, pick one wire at random, and test it with the others until you find a pair that shows resistance of a few ohms 1 — ohms most often.

Over the years, the Easy Driver has become popular enough that lots of people have copied it and are making and selling it. I am flattered, truly I am. And this is open source hardware after all. The license that the EasyDriver is released under requires at least some attribution. These knock-off manufacturers will normally strip off the "SchmalzHaus. It appears that Electronics DIY has decided to build Easy Drivers, taking off the "Schmalz Haus" part of the silk screen, and not mentioning anywhere on their page where the design came from i.

This is in violation of the license. There are lots of others too - all of the very inexpensive EasyDrivers that are now on EBay, Amazon, and Aliexpress are knock-offs. None of them support me in any way, but I end up fielding tech support for their boards because people write to me with questions. They are fantastic and not only believe in the value of OSHW but actively support designers like me.

That's it - those are the only signals that you absolutely need to connect to anything. All the rest below are optional - in other words, the Easy Driver sets them to reasonable default values. These will be your two coil wires.

Repeat for the second group of three wires. Once you have determined the coil wire pairs, you will need to attach them to the Easy Driver. In our example, we are using a 4-coil motor. The connections between the Easy Driver and motor are as follows.

Once your motor is connected, you can then connect a power supply to the Easy Driver. You can use any kind of power supply desktop, wall adapter, battery power, etc.

For this example, we will be using the SparkFun RedBoard. However, any microcontroller that works at 3. Now that you have the hardware hooked up and ready to go, it's time to get the code uploaded.

For the most up-to-date code available, please check the GitHub repository. First, download and unzip the example sketch. The first section of the sketch defines all of the pin connections between the RedBoard and the Easy Driver. It also sets these pins as outputs, and puts them to the proper logic levels to begin driving the motor.

One thing worth noting is that the code also initializes the serial connection at bps. This enables the user you! The main loop of the code is pretty simple. The RedBoard scans the serial port for input from the user. When it is received, it's compared to the four possible functions for the motor, which are triggered from user input.

If no valid input is received, the RedBoard prints an error over the serial port. After the requested function is completed, the pins on the Easy Driver are reset to the defaults. The first of the four functions this demo sketch enables is a basic example to show the motor spinning in one direction. The direction pin is held LOW , which for our sketch, we define as the 'forward' direction.

Remember, the motor only steps when the step pin transitions from LOW to HIGH , thus we have to switch the state of the pin back and forth. This is repeated times, and then the RedBoard requests more user input to determine the next motor activity.

The reverse function works exactly the same as the forward function.


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