Bmw e90 software update kosten

The main negative used to be locating a good working software pkg in English but not any longer. I have an intermittent airbag service light on a X3 that BMW service cannot track down as it clears from memory before I can get it in for service. For example, example it will read codes that you did not get a scanner connected fast enough while the check engine light was on and it goes off before you know what the code actually was.

Not all features are compatible with all models. E46 general module coding is possible. I think both are good. The Carly is a bit cheaper, so perhaps that is the logical first step. These computing units in turn can be divided into two main categories; those that control infotainment systems and features like navigation assistants — and the more critical drive control units that control, measure and regulate basic driving functionalities like steering and braking.

Common to both, however, is that today they are integral, digitized components of modern car design and production standards. This, in turn, allows for continuous upgrading by carmakers, who invest increasingly in software development, cloud and server infrastructure and implementation setups. This has widespread implications for both drivers and carmakers alike. For drivers, OTA software updates can mean that they will have a chance to maintain or fix vehicle software from the comfort of their own home, or any other place of their choice — potentially saving them costs and valuable time.

This is because today many features can in fact be managed digitally through these control units, which are in turn accessible by the carmaker remotely through a simple WiFi connection. Additionally, the prospect of seamlessly adding new features and functionalities to a vehicle may also reduce its depreciation over time, as some features could be seen as adding value to the vehicle. For carmakers there are obvious benefits, too. Recalls could be avoided if the necessary fix can be handled remotely through an easy software update.

Offering new features such as on-demand services to drivers can also create new revenue streams — and help car makers position themselves closer to the connected everyday lives of their drivers.

And in the end, this may be the biggest asset of all. The connected lifestyle this facilitates is something we still enthusiastically debate, and of which we still have to learn the full consequences. But for both drivers and carmakers, this software-driven reality offers brand new ways of understanding and using our cars, and therefore the relationship between both.

In other words, the opportunity to tweak, improve and fix vehicles through OTA updates creates a new ownership dynamic and paves the way for a customer relationship that essentially never ends, to the benefits of both. Of course, BMW is no different. The roll-out of the latest available BMW software started in spring , reaching more than half a million BMW owners.

The campaign was kicked off in Germany, and is set to reach the rest of the world over the course of this summer. As for the next upgrade, this too is well underway, with the roll-out kicking off in autumn and reaching considerably more BMWs that have already hit the road. This is where the over-the-air upgrade function comes into play — it allows us to offer these improvements as seamlessly as possible — just as if you were updating any other device that you know and use.

So, why does all this matter — apart from the tangible, practical benefits of keeping your BMW fresh and in digital shape? To Kurbjuweit, the answer is straightforward; more than just a practical way of allowing BMW drivers to always get the best out of their vehicles, offering on-demand, over-the-air upgrades is part of a bigger puzzle. Having spent four years on the development of the current Remote Software Upgrade functionality as part of a highly committed team of IT and engineering experts, he sees it as a tell-tale sign of how mobility is changing for good.

We are used to software being everywhere we look and we try to take care of it like other important aspects of everyday living. So, to me the intertwinement of the two is natural, as well as it is needed. To BMW, he says, the Remote Software Upgrade program is a natural reply to the new challenges of the era of mobility we all live in. As an approach and way of working, it is deeply embedded in the way BMW works, already in this day and age. Some would call this the future of mobility.

But to me, we are already very much there. Always fresh: In general terms, upgrading your software will make sure that your BMW is always kept up-to-date. Basic functionalities might need a code review and a bug fix every now and then, and data and content will always be on par.

Progman V Am vazut un topic in care se prezenta un update de Progman la versiunea v31 dar nu am inteles daca se poate folosi si pentru E90 sau numai pentru versiunile anterioare.

Daca nu, exista vreo alta posibilitate sa fac update la Progman in afara de a ma duce la service? Adica exista alt CD, alt ceva? Si apropos, stie cineva cum pot sa verific ce versiune de Progman am instalat? Am intrat in meniul secret dar nu am reusit sa ma prind. Operatiunea de update de progman este una foarte complexa.. Ceea ce spune colegul este valabil de altfel Recomandarea mea este sa mergi la un service BMW mare pentru astfel de operatiuni..

Nu stiu daca service-urile autorizate au acelasi acces la versiunile de Progman ca service-urile BMW Am fost pe 3 decembrie la Bavaria pe Bucuresti-Ploiesti si am facut update-ul. Mi-a tinut-o peste noapte. A costat RON. De la tipul de-acolo am inteles ca in cazul in care apar probleme si apar erori la update, trebuie sa faca nu stiu ce, ce costa eur.

N-am inteles prea bine. Dupa minute isi revenea. Singura problema pe care o am este cu unele DVD-uri cu mp3, nu vrea sa imi citeasca integral fisierele audio. Adica se opreste dupa X secunde la fiecare melodie - "file could not be read". Nu imi dau inca seama daca problema e de la blank, writer, sau ambele, pentru ca am scris diverse blank-uri pe diverse writere si unele merg perfect, altele nu.

Desi vers de soft a iDrive-ului este din Problema cea mai enervanta este la conectarea prin Bluetooth a telefoanelor mobile. Telefoanele cu Symbian 9. Acelasi telefon conectat la un iDrive Business de pe un d fabricat in , descarca agenda! Deci nu este vina telefonului! Pentru un update de iDrive peste tot pe unde am dat un email rep AB din RO au spus ca se face dar sunt riscuri ca in timpul updateului sa se deterioireze anumite componente ale masinii!

Este inacceptabil acest lucru deorece operatiunea este facuta intr-un service BMW iar updateul este ''scos'' tot de catre BMW pt clientii sai. Din moment ce nu se poate face in siguranta nu inteleg de ce-l mai pun la dispozitia clientilor.

Bine-nteles ca daca se defecteaza vreo componenta costul il suporta clientul. Deci adio Am mers la BMW si se pare ca nu mi-au facut programarea pentru update de soft astazi, ci maine. E cel putin ciudata treaba asta A avut cineva probleme dupa update soft?

Exista si alt mod de a-mi face DVD-ul cu hartile din sa functioneze? Daca-mi cumpar un DVD original din va merge? Daca-mi cumpar un DVD original din de la ei si nu merge, e considerat un defect al masinii si se repara pe garantie atat soft-ul, cat si potentialele probleme ulterioare?!? In ce sens NU citeste hartile? Ai bagat un DVD cu programul de navigatie si iti arata ca nu-l citeste? Idrive Professional. E90 al meu e din Oct , iar masinile lor au ,5 ani.

Daca ai vreun sfat, e binevenit. Pentru moment am hotarat sa mai sap si sa nu ma duc maine dimineata la BMW.


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