Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and network administrators. It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I am building a box with Windows XP with some applications. One application requires connection to an Oracle database on remote. I have installed OracleXEClient.
My problem is that I still cannot make connections to the remote Oracle db. The error message is:. I can find this file from another box where Oracle connection works fine. To connect using the odbc use the instructions on this page. If you have the XE client, you have sqlplus. That is where I would start testing connectivity. Try a connection in the following style.
If that works, take a step back and put in the hostname rather than the IP address. If that works, try. Only bring across the defintions that you need. Mon, 14 May Please tell me what to modify?
Do you mean i need to modify sqlnet. Wed, 16 May Have you opened the files and looked at what is stored in them? Wed, 23 May Hi Martin, step 1 i copied tnsnames. Am i right? Sat, 07 July Is there any update? I am still facing ORA no protocal adapter error. Thu, 19 July Tue, 31 July No David, It is still the same error? Thanks, Shahnaz. Thu, 02 August Okay Shahnaz In May you said that you are running the database on a remote server.
I know I have asked you the same questions in numerous posts but lets forget that and work our way through where you are currently.
Question 1: Do you have Oracle 9i database running on your PC? The Environment tab lists System environment variables defined by Windows NT - these are the same no matter which user is logged on to the computer. When logged as as a member of the Administrator group, you can modify, add or delete values.
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