Ssis variable as flat file source

Asked 1 year, 10 months ago. Active 1 year, 10 months ago. Viewed 1k times. Any idea how I can do this? Random it guy Random it guy 75 6 6 bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Larnu Larnu You're doing videos now? I guess you should answer ALL the questions now! Variables[ "User::DirPath" ]. Variables[ "User::Year" ]. Variables[ "User::Month" ]. Reza Rad. This is great information! Value; myList. Add aValue ;. I logged the resulting List Contents and it worked beautifully.

That was unexpected. So, my questions are as follows: 1. When dealing with variables in the script task or script component, variables are passed by reference. There are some cases where variables are passed by value such as when using the Execute Package Task but typically they are passed by ref.

However, any change to a variable value is only valid for a single execution, so when you execute the same package again, the variables will start with whatever default values are assigned. A great article. The downside with merge joins is that you have to sort both data sets, and it is a semi-blocking transformation, so performance is very likely to take a hit. The problem with lookups is that they will not process multiple matching rows and generate duplicates, and therefore may not yield the expected results in some cases.

Hi I landed up on your page as i was searching for how to use the results of ForEachLoop variable as a data set outside the foreach loop. My foreachloop runs almost times in 8 seconds and as a result contains records. After which I would like to do a look up on the result of the data set. You article is great and I tried your method.

For some reason, the data viewer after the script is showing 1 record at a time based on the above script even though my script component is outside the foreach loop container. But your screenshot shows 20records in one window. For me it shows only 1 record everytime i debug. Hi Raj — most likely the issue lies in the For Each Loop processing.

In my case I am populating them at the start of the package and attempting to use in more than one data flow. The rows are loaded exactly as in the article da. Fill, ForEach row, etc. Is this a limitation of the object variable, or am I doing something wrong? Hi Juan — there is no reason the value of the object variable should be gone after it is used for the first time. The value can be overwritten, but once the object value is set up it will remain static in that value until it is either set to something different, falls out of scope, or the package ends.

Recordset and traverse it with that object model. I tried this just before giving up on using this object var as a data source method for a complex lookup. For this to work I have to add the ADO 2. Net data adapter. I may look into that later, for now I have to keep making progress in this project.

Thanks for the ideas, will keep circling back to your blog posts often. Juan, when you mentioned traversing the object, it reminded me that there is a pointer either on the data set or on the data adapter — not certain right offhand that lets you traverse the records from top to bottom.

Parse but when i put string follwed with parse through me error.. There could be any number of things causing this. Error: [Script Component [35]] Error: System. Parameter name: adodb at Microsoft. Contents Exit focus mode. Is this page helpful?

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