When using the with statement then there is no need to close the file. It is automatically handled by the compiler. Then we are Writing the whole dictionary at one go by using the File. And using the str method to convert a dictionary to string to write to file. In this example, we are getting all dictionary keys by using the dictionary keys method and iterating over all keys using for loop. We can change the format of the string as per requirement.
Finally closing the file using the close method. About This is a repository for the core-python lesson, where I have completed the restaurant ratings assignment by storing restaurants from a text file in a dictionary, and created a function to find the ratings and print them in alphabetical order Stars 0 stars.
Releases No releases published. Packages 0 No packages published. You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. In this way, we are now able to convert the file content to a dictionary. We can print the dictionary to confirm the desired results are there. So to start with, Let us Assume, we have the following text file data. We have explored 2 Ways to Convert a text file to a dictionary in Python.
In a second way, we are using the delimiter to separate the key-value pair. We can do any of these two ways as per our requirement. Powered by Contextual Related Posts.