Nero 6.6 ultra edition serial

Karena, tidak memakan space hardisk yang begitu besar. Sedikit penampakan untuk Nero 6 Ulra Edition atau Nero Start Smart 6 , Klik banner dibawah ini untuk masuk ke halaman mendownload, lalu klik download!

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Muat yang lain Saya in Free Download Smadav 9. Saya rasa tidak salah y.. Pinnacle Studio Ulead Video Studio 11 Plus. Photo Frame Studio 2. Those of you with major problems should consider doing the same, but my point is I should not have had to completely download a whole new version.

Nero AG you need to listen to your customers and fix your software problems, more importantly don't mass produce garbage software and 'stick it' to your customers.

Try reading your users comments. Nero serves up more coasters then a bartender, I went with ImgBurn, no coaster in 3 months so far! I used to use nero until it played havoc with my pc..

Message I received. Shellbase Manager is missing or corrupt. I had to continue to go to run and do an regedit several times before it completely unsinstalled. Then downloaded it again and repated the same steps until i got fed up with Nero. I am tyring to burn my downloaded movies onto dvd.. Im a newbie at this and Original insallatiion Of Nero I had no problems until recently..

I want to save them so as not to use up all my download as I an going to re-install xp.. I since downloaded a few other programmes but so difficult to use. I did how ever found Nero to be easy to use..

Any help on another free programme? Nero WAS the best burning software. After four hours they could not solve my problem. Installed Nero from website and entered my serial number. Thus Nero freezes the computer if any edit is attempted. Program can only be closed with Task Manager. Nero's solution, sorry they have read everything on the web and have never heard of this problem. Neither has the Geek Squad, nor can they fix the problem.

Nero was at one time, the best. With this release and their business practices it is now "buyer beware". When you purchase the program online, the program seems to embed the serial number and install. If you back up the program and then have to reinstall it later the serial number is gone. Nero wont give you any support whatsoever. I had to reinstall after a crash just three weeks after purchasing this program.

Nero's response when I asked them what happened to my serial number? Nero "used to be" great now it just sucks. I get coasters out of nearly every disc I try to burn with nero- screw nero I don't know what the problem is- but I havent time to be fooling with what doesn't work. New nero show sucks too- it hangs more than it plays vids.

Using Nero 7 with Vista, having a issue trying to receive the current upgrades, in receipt of " Download Connection Problem " error. I am considering asking for a refund.

I have been evaluating Nero for the past month and I have decided to switch to ImgBurn. I had so many problems from "illegal disc error" to "calibration error" that I have completely given up on this software. I suggest everyone give ImgBurn a try. I have a new Vista system, and have used Nero appropriately in the past and been satisfied.

I design software packages for OEM customers, and have often recommended it. I have requested a refund fortunately used Pay Pal. The original Nero 7 Essentials will not allow the audio portion of the movies to be heard, but this version allows the unit to operate at normal parameters.

I did not however, test the speeds of copying or burning DVD's. This site was recommended to LiteOn, by me, as a link from their FAQ page as a repair for future problems with their units. I went back to Nero v because it was the only version that would work seamlessly with DVD Shrink. Nero was great, until the installer started reaching MB. I still like and prefer using Nero for burning discs, but I'm now using the Micro version - only Before you go and say "it's perfect in every which way and if you have a problem, sucks for you cuz i never had a problem" think about it for a sec.

There are and will be glitches. I bet Nero is working on working on compatibility with it, but for now, it's not working with it. I have been having one problem after the other with Nero 7.

I am not new to Nero, I have been using it for several years now. It often fails to exit from memory properly for no reason. Nero Vision fails to save your default settings. There is a bad bussing sound in the audio when adding a transition between video clips in Nero Vision. And the list goes on I thought that Nero 7. I had to back off on it to Nero 7. But, when you report these problems to Nero technical support they act like they are not problems at all.

They act like it is something that you the user is doing wrong, even though you explain to them that you are not new to Nero and you know how it should be working!

And when you finally get them to admit that there is a problem they have no idea how to fix it, when it will be fixed, if it will ever be fixed. They seem to offer almost no support in resolving your problems what so ever.

I have had to resort to using third party free software to create DVD's because I can not get these issues resolved through Nero. This is wrong and I should NOT have to be doing this! I paid for my Nero and I should be getting answers to questions.

I should be getting help resolving my problems. And I feel like Nero seems to think that I am. These problems have not been going on for days, weeks, months, but over a year now!!!!! You had better be a technical guru. But, there in lays the problem, Nero is designed for the None-Technical person.

This new version of Nero is horrible. I have big problems with it. Transcoding alone takes 4. I am using Vista Ultimate. Highly disappointed with this product. Nero is the flagship media editing suite available in the market today, period. Their product is by far the best media management suite you can buy.

Ive used it for years and any problems i have had have always been attributed to the hardware, not the software. The fact that you can update for free and that Nero constantly improves their product mean that the product stays current and as glitch free as possible. Nero is excellent burning software. All other burning softwares are not as good as Nero and I have not had one problem with them and this version.

I have been using Nero for years and never had one problem with it, none of the errors you people are reporting. Guess I just got a hardware config it likes. In fact I never have no problems, ever.

I forgot to point out, even though I unchecked everything, ever since I installed this virus, ohh sorry I mean software, I have had to reinstall Windows media player three times. WMP is removed from my quickstart, and nero is there. I bought the software because the box said that I could creat slide shows, but when I tried to use it I get a message that I have to buy another version to use more than 30 slides. OK So I am out 90 bucks.

But this crap is not done with me yet NERO isn't even open! You will need it. Nero used to be essential, but now it's just bloatware.

If I have to use it, I'd be downloading the Lite or Micro versions without all the useless stuff. If you need to do something that NERO don't offer search for an alternative software. I have been a computer geek for more than 20 years, with vast knowledge of almost all aspects of computing, dont let Nero agents kid you into believing that Nero's problems are somehow hardware related or something else not to do with Nero I have been trying to get Nero vision to work for several weeks now, on various types of PC's I have advocated Nero for many years but have removed new versions and returned to 6.

They have reached beyond their grasp and what was reliable burning software has now been loaded with so much junk that it is no longer usable for it's primary task, burning CD's and DVD's.

I now use shampoo ver. Agree - Nero used to be great Ver6 and prior but they have added so much junk that it sucks now. I say this as I uninstall the latest install of Ver 7 which keeps crashing on install and read elsewhere that the new version has issues which is something you think they could have working correctly. Nero Burning Rom is excellent, I use it a lot and after vigorously testing others always come back to Nero. If your having problems with it I'd say slow down Oppy and read the instructions because ya got user errors, and don;t take offense to that just retry, it works great!

I take it you work for nero!! You only have to look on all the nero forums , official and unofficial , to see the large number of people who have problems with nero. The advice given , by some outlets , to purchasers of PCs with nero pre-installed is to un-install. The main trouble with nero is that it try's to do everything and ends up a mish-mash of programs. This is the best burning software on the market.

Who ever says otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about or has installed it incorrectly or doesn't even know how to use it! Remember you shouldn't have 2 burning roms on your PC or you risk conflict. The last version of nero that i tried was 7. Out of curiosity i tried 7. Why people use nero , when there is a wealth of good software out there , is beyond me.

Installed and worked fine for a few days. Then it killed my ability to access my sound card and kept giving me errors on my SP2. I have a new Sony vaio and it got to the point that the only way I could use the computer was to uninstall the program. Still has a few bugs in it. But, it worked well for about a week and a half. Although creating dvds from recorded mpegs is a bit easier with Roxio.

Nero 7 Premier's Nero burning rom program never installed correctly although the rest of the suite worked. After a while, sometimes a very short while, Nero 7 files corrupted on this Wins2K machine. Just my experiences! I have Nero 7. Thank you in advance. Can someone tell me the seettings im suppose to burn the iso on or what media the xbox can play?

Since installing Nero 7 - latest version - it has been extremely problematic and unpredictable. I've managed to create 5 dvd's when I first installed - but since then - I have had no success in any Nero Vision burns I write to disk first.

I have since given up on Nero 7 and gone back to earlier version 6. There's something wrong with the "filesize" on the info box As far as the software goes, I've always used it and it works great. No problems here. This is the best copying software on the market at the moment. Roxio is no where near the standard of this so if ya gonna get cd or dvd copying software get nero. I cannot understand how Nero have made such a mess up of their software from 6. I must admit that this 7. Also it should be noted that this release should be compatible with Windows Vista.

I have Vista installed and have not encountered any problems with it as it seems to be compatble. That's all for now folks! If this mornings review didn't post, here's what happened. Nero 7 Recode does work. Just not on the one dvd. Beats anything else I've tried. Roxio, Sonic, Dvd x copy-dead now. Only used Dvd Shrink 3 times, and not recently. Word of advice-don't spend a lot on burning software. Sure, it works now, what about next month? Yesterday Nero 7 Recode gave me a rough time trying to burns dvd movies.

As stated, it would not allow usage due to errors and reinstalls of the program and C partition did nothing. Scouted the Net last night and found few leads on Ebay, Amazon, and retailers. That's for retail Nero 7. Not 7. Why would I want to go back and purchase another? Roxio 8 and Sonic 7 which are also on my computers force you to use templates and other methods to burn dvds instead of burning directly.

DVD X copy is dead. Also wasn't flexible. Anyway, tried burning 2 other dvds this morning and Recode works fine! It's just the one dvd. Computing drives me nuts. Anyone know how to network and secure connections? Like someone else mentioned, do a custom install, not everything is needed. Recode takes anywhere from minutes to encode a dvd file for burning. My Recode quit today.

Error-it needs to close. Will uninstall and reinstall Nero Nero 7 is by far the most complete and best value for the buck. Nero Burning Rom and Nero Express are and have been that standard of excellence fo compare all other products of their kind. They also have improved and tightened Nero recode II and Nero Vision that they are now the top for equivelent video products.

All of these keep being upgraded, debugged and passed on free to all Nero 7 Ultra Edition users. Even the latest upgrade to Nero 7 Ultra Edition Enhanced is a free upgrade to verson 7 users. No one come close to packing all of their useful software, which continually improves and adds functionality.

With Nero, it is always true that they are commited to continuous improvement. The never products of their incredibly large suite keep being enhanced and becoming more and more stable and useful. Working with Multimedia keeps requiring more expertise. Unfortunately there are many that don't understand the fact that "they don't understand" and fly off the handle with posting complaints before they don't have the expertise, experience and patience to properly diagose problems.

It is amnazing that someone complains that Nero has grown with the industry and offers so much functionality in their suite that it bothers them. To complain publically really makes one look so foolish. It is NOT too complex for anyone. Just don't use what you don't want to use. When I need some come complexity, I then will go to Nero Rom, which can do everything that anyone can dream of. Nero Recod II, someone can bring in a file, make a couple of clicks and off it goes.

No complexity unless one needs it or wants it. Backitup, use the Wizards if you want. It is the user's choice on complexity. The most amazing comment is bluemoon. I would bet my house that bluemoon's problem is NOT because of Nero, but ignorance, media, PC issues, hardware issues. Probably is he reboots he will be fine. OR, don't use that cheap media that has a retail stores name on it. Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim not the chinese made Verbatim , and media issues will go away. I've always loved NERO, until i came across v7.

It does give a lot more features than v6 , and increased smooth previewing in the new Nero vision 4, but the DVD - encoding is nearly pathetic. If users were happy with nero 6 and vision 3, stick to that, let NERO fix the tremendous amount of bugs in this version.

BTW, for thos complaining about the resources it consumes, first-maintain ur PC and second-don't install NERO home and home center, it's unnecessary and resource-intensive.

Looks like good old 6. Works for everything I need to do. Two days ago I took nero off my system. Cant believe how huge this thing is. Guess I found out what was causing all my gaming problems.

I wish I could say something positive about this version, 7. I think this is a very good app, and very easy to use with little to no knowlegde. I have never had a problem with it. I have burned , easliy discs with no issues at all. Very poor is not what I would say about Nero. I can think of many more coments that would fit the discription of what it is I think of Nero.

Nero v7. It took me 10 hours to delete almost everything I say almost, because I am still finding bits here and there all over the computer and in regedit. To do this I had to start the computer in safe mode, It was the only way XP would load.

I know I will never remove all of Nero 7 until I format the drive, which I intend to do once again shortly. I wish Nero well as they try to work out a better way on how they can control your computer totally, as Windows does, but at least Windows allows you some choices of your own. You really need to discuss Nero 7 Ultra's other apps too as Nero Burning Rom is not a standalone product.

I have used every part of this Suite currently using v7. Burning Rom works really great. One of the main burning problems is Media that the burner does not "like. You don't realize how great a simple burning app like this is until you try to use other burning apps.

Nero Vision works great and the latest versions utilize all of the space allocated. The only problem I've had with Nero Vision is getting Automatic bookmarks to work.

I just don't use it. Perhaps there could be more options for the Menu Interface, but considering that Nero Vision is only one program in a suite of apps it is well worth the money.

Nero Recode works very well. I believe Nero Digital AVC is currently number one by a small margin compared to the other available codecs for encoding H. Nero Home is difficult to use and needs to be redesigned. I don't see anyone really using this until it is. As a Suite, if you use two or three of the main apps Nero is well worth the money and the interface while initially daunting to some just makes sense once you've used it a few times and the product is amazingly stable despite all the blaming to the contrary.

All-in-all, some amazing improvements, both visually and in the area of performance. Have had no problems with this version under XP I agree with johnaus and sssharp. Ever since they have Nero has upgraded to 7 damn I have heard nothing but B A D stuff like popping etc.

I will stay With Nero 6 Untill they fix up the glitches. It takes 2 hours to install then at the last step says sorry cant install must close the program. This one is awful, Nero 6 is faster and easier. Can't find anything better than nero 7 and have used nero for Many Years.

Don't Buy!!!! I bought Nero 7 Premium. I asked for a technical support - they reply me after a week with no help. I asked again but with no reply. I appealed to the consumer support but instead of helping me they wrote: "Please be advised that we are unable to offer a refund, as defined by our terms of trade. These terms were accepted with the purchase of Nero from our website The current situation is that I payed money for a software that doesn't work and they won't help me!!!!

Everything Nero 7 is a waste of time, audio cds cannot be created due to glitching and dvds always glitch. Best thing i use is Nero 6 reloaded latest download and thats how it will stay until Nero sort out Nero7. Ive complained twice to nero but they insist on me sending a error log etc, so i just reply saying, that ive told them what the prob is, along with millions of other people in the world.

Nero vision 4 is still crap, I just tried converting an xvid, it failed at about 60percent. Sort it out for christs sake. I'm still having to use other software that I had to buy to do that single task. I have not seen anything in this latest release to convince me to buy any later version.. I had a system that had Roxio version 6 loaded and it wouldn't run with SP2 so when I contactewd them they said to update to their new version!

What an answer. Nero is the best CD Burning Software. Nero 7 Ultra Edition is great. I love it. It is very easy to navigate. I used Roxio, not any more!!!! I find it is good, but a bit expensive also it can be fussy with some disks. I figured out what I was doing wrong when trying to back up an Xbox game.

Nero 7 Premium defaults to "Start Multisession". Works fine! Good software, but I've made a few coasters backing up an Xbox game. The reason is that with this version you now have a choice of UDF version instead of simply clicking the Xbox option. I tried UDF versions 1. I agree, there are still some problems and I use Nero 6 still as well. Maybe for most people things work fine but I tend to push all apps in Nero hard. I more times than not had to switch to anther app from Version 7. Version 6 does not have the same glitches.

Still some bug in the software and i think nero 6. The BEST!!!!!! And you can get it for free - full version!!!! From BitTorrent. Its to bad Nero support isn't that great and I dislike this Nero 7 demo in my add and remove programs area and this is after I enter my license keys It's worth it.

You'll be pleased. I use to swear by Adaptec,now Roxio, back when it was at version 2. I though I would give Roxio another try and installed v7. I upgraded to v8. I would suggest to all, NEVER install or buy Easy Media Creator unless you don't care about your system being corrupted by this poorly written program, which is intentional on their part.

With that said I pretty much disagree with Jon L. Jacobi from PC World he did make some good points but misses the mark over all, you can tell which side of the bread his butters on and this is often the case with PC magazines unfortunately.

Nero is by far the best all-in-one package out there. It's not perfect but it does a pretty good job at most things it does. I've been using it for a decade now and have had very little problems with it. There really isn't much difference between v6 to v7 but one note about v7 DO NOT install the Scout crap'Ola as it runs several processes in the back ground all the time, this is were the bloat comes in not because the program is a MB plus. The old programs all together add up close to the size of the new package so the program has not bloated in that sense.

As to Nero not being simple, to some degree that is true but how do you make something powerful and provide options without adding complexity to the program.

I didn't find Roxio easy unless I was just doing a simple burn and in fact it was somewhat frustrating when I found it wouldn't do certain stuff I could do in Nero. I still think it's pretty good! I don't know what myxbox77 did? Still a couple of problems to tweak but otherwise a great product. Nero is a great tool and burns well and shows more movies that have special encryption than any other viewer except maybe Power DVD. I love the way it creates backups, captures video and also does exact copies of DVD's and video.

It is in my opinion a top rate product and I am happy to own it! Matt Mattero Ministries. I've always used Nero products, nerver had a problem with them. I upgraded from 6. I uninstalled it and reinstalled 6. I had the crack for Nero 6, but it wont work now on a comptuer I installed it on. Well worth the long download for people who only have dialup like me. Everything works exceptionally well.

Don't forget to download the templates for nero vision 4, from nero website. It has extra stuff like animation. It's better then 4 star, but not quite five star rating. The free download is a trial, it doesn't need a serial number.

Though a key from Nero will keep the trial from ending at the end of the trial period. Yes, Nero 6 will work, then so would Nero 5. Things change and products move on. I'm using Nero 7 and don't find any problems with it.

There was a few minor bugs at the outset, but there is a new update and the problems appear to be ironed out. That was the standard procedure with Nero 6; update, bugs, fix, update People speak of Nero 6 being bloated, so that is a lame argument against Nero 7.

The suite is intended to be comprehensive. How much space would it take to load separate apps for all the things the apps in Nero 7 can do? If the difference in space is a problem from Nero 6 to 7, then the user shouldn't be working with Video files, which are notoriously large.

Nero has guides to assist those who haven't learned to utilize the different functions in the suite. If the user has problems with the number of functions, the possibly they should try Sonic's Creator suite Roxio , which is intended to be more user friendly.

Nero was intended to be more for the power user and didn't "dumb down" the interface.


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