Our commitment to your development of autonomy, responsibility, stewardship, and a sense of social justice are the pillars of the Tulane approach. If you want to be part of our community of scholars, if you are passionate about helping children and families, and if you want to work in supportive, stimulating and diverse clinical settings in a collegial interdisciplinary environment, you may be a great fit for Tulane Triple Board!
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Why Tulane Triple Board? Our state is also changing rapidly for the better as we welcome immigrants and refugees from all over the world in addition to plenty of transplants from other states.
One in five children in Salt Lake County speaks a language other than English at home, and minority populations have all increased in our state in the last 10 years, some by as much as nearly 50 percent.
This shift in our local demographics makes living and training in Salt Lake City an enriching, rewarding experience as residents at the forefront of caring for the newest and often most vulnerable members of our local community. Standing with the University of Utah Pediatrics residency program, the Triple Board program is committed to dismantling racism and discrimination in medical care, medical training, and society at large.
We recognize that racism is not merely enacted by police, judges, legislators, or "bad apple" individuals; rather, it is systemic, perpetuated by structures and policies that hold up the walls of our hospitals and clinics. Collective silence, apathy, and ignorance bolsters systems of oppression, and breaking that silence is the first step on the journey to ending white supremacy and achieving social and health justice.
This path starts with personal reflection and necessitates effective advocacy at every level, every day. As physicians, acknowledging the existence of racism is not enough. Our residents become experts in all areas of child and adolescent health, growth, development and behavior. They gain experience in the assessment and management of co-morbid pediatric and psychiatric disorders, as well as the psychosocial aspects of normal childhood development and well-child care.
Graduates are well-prepared for practice opportunities in pediatrics, child and adolescent psychiatry, and academic medicine, training and research. Throughout the training, we emphasize an integrated bio-psychosocial approach to psychiatry.